Module Contents#
The base class for hyper parameter optimization (HPO) monitors used in |
The monitor for hyper parameter optimization (HPO) that records the best fitness found so far in the optimization process. |
The problem for hyper parameter optimization (HPO). |
- class evox.problems.hpo_wrapper.HPOMonitor[source]#
The base class for hyper parameter optimization (HPO) monitors used in
Initialize the ModuleBase.
- Parameters:
*args – Variable length argument list, passed to the parent class initializer.
**kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments, passed to the parent class initializer.
Attributes: static_names (list): A list to store static member names.
- class evox.problems.hpo_wrapper.HPOFitnessMonitor(multi_obj_metric: Optional[Callable] = None)[source]#
The monitor for hyper parameter optimization (HPO) that records the best fitness found so far in the optimization process.
Initialize the HPO fitness monitor.
- Parameters:
multi_obj_metric – The metric function to use for multi-objective optimization, unused in single-objective optimization. Currently we only support “IGD” or “HV” for multi-objective optimization. Defaults to
- pre_tell(fitness: torch.Tensor)[source]#
Update the best fitness value found so far based on the provided fitness tensor and multi-objective metric.
- Parameters:
fitness – A tensor representing fitness values. It can be either a 1D tensor for single-objective optimization or a 2D tensor for multi-objective optimization.
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the dimensionality of the fitness tensor is not 1 or 2.
- class evox.problems.hpo_wrapper.HPOProblemWrapper(iterations: int, num_instances: int, workflow: evox.core.Workflow, copy_init_state: bool = True)[source]#
The problem for hyper parameter optimization (HPO).
algo = SomeAlgorithm(...) algo.setup(...) prob = SomeProblem(...) prob.setup(...) monitor = HPOFitnessMonitor() workflow = StdWorkflow() workflow.setup(algo, prob, monitor=monitor) hpo_prob = HPOProblemWrapper(iterations=..., num_instances=...) hpo_prob.setup(workflow) params = HPOProblemWrapper.extract_parameters(hpo_prob.init_state) hpo_prob.evaluate(params) # execute the evaluation # ...
Initialize the HPO problem wrapper.
- Parameters:
iterations – The number of iterations to be executed in the optimization process.
num_instances – The number of instances to be executed in parallel in the optimization process.
workflow – The workflow to be used in the optimization process. Must be wrapped by
.copy_init_state – Whether to copy the initial state of the workflow for each evaluation. Defaults to
. If your workflow contains operations that IN-PLACE modify the tensor(s) in initial state, this should be set toTrue
. Otherwise, you can set it toFalse
to save memory.
- evaluate(hyper_parameters: Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter])[source]#
Evaluate the fitness (given by the internal workflow’s monitor) of the batch of hyper parameters by running the internal workflow.
- Parameters:
hyper_parameters – The hyper parameters to evaluate.
- Returns:
The final fitness of the hyper parameters.