Working with Module in EvoX#

A module is a fundamental concept in programming that refers to a self-contained unit of code designed to perform a specific task or a set of related tasks.

This notebook will introduce the basic module in EvoX: ModuleBase.

Introduction to Module#

In the Quick Start Documentation of the User Guide, we have mentioned the basic running process in EvoX:

Initiate an algorithm and a problem -- Set an monitor -- Initiate a workflow -- Run the workflow

This process requires four basic class in EvoX:

It is necessary to provide a unified module for them. In EvoX, the four classes are all inherited from the base module — ModuleBase.

Module base

ModuleBase class#

The ModuleBase class is inherited from torch.nn.Module.

There are many methods in this class, and some important methods are here:





(self, ...)

Initialize the module.


(self, ...) -> self

Module initialization lines should be written in the overwritten method of setup rather than __init__.


(self, state_dict: Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], copy: bool = False, ...)

Copy parameters and buffers from state_dict into this module and its descendants. It overwrites torch.nn.Module.load_state_dict.


(self, name: str, value: Union[torch.Tensor | nn.Module, Sequence[torch.Tensor | nn.Module], Dict[str, torch.Tensor | nn.Module]]) -> None

Define a mutable value in this module that can be accessed via self.[name] and modified in-place.

Role of Module#

In EvoX, the ModuleBase could help to:

  • Contain mutable values

​ This module is an object-oriented one that can contain mutable values.

  • Support functional programming

​ Functional programming model is supported via self.state_dict() and self.load_state_dict(...).

  • Standardize the initialization:

​ Basically, predefined submodule(s) which will be ADDED to this module and accessed later in member method(s) should be treated as “non-static members”, while any other member(s) should be treated as “static members”.

​ The module initialization for non-static members are recommended to be written in the overwritten method of setup (or any other member method) rather than __init__.

Usage of Module#

Specifically, there are some rules for using ModuleBase in EvoX:

Static methods#

Static methods to be JIT shall be defined like:

# One example of the static method defined in a Module

def func(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    return x + y

Non-static Methods#

If a method with python dynamic control flows like if were to be JIT, a separated static method with jit(..., trace=False) or torch.jit.script_if_tracing shall be used:

# Set an module inherited from the ModuleBase class
class ExampleModule(ModuleBase):


    # An example of one method with python dynamic control flows like "if"
    # The method using jit(..., trace=False)
    @partial(jit, trace=False)
    def static_func(x: torch.Tensor, threshold: float) -> torch.Tensor:
        if x.flatten()[0] > threshold:
            return torch.sin(x)
            return torch.tan(x)

    # The method to be JIT
    def jit_func(self, p: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return ExampleModule.static_func(p, self.threshold)


Supporting for JIT and non-JIT functions#

ModuleBase is usually used with jit_class to automatically JIT all non-magic member methods:

class ExampleModule(ModuleBase):
    # This function will be automatically JIT
    def func1(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:

    # Use `torch.jit.ignore` to disable JIT and leave this function as Python callback
    def func2(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        # you can implement pure Python logic here

    # JIT functions can invoke other JIT functions as well as non-JIT functions
    def func3(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        y = self.func1(x)
        z = self.func2(x)


An example of one module inherited from the ModuleBase is like:

class ExampleModule(ModuleBase):
        def setup(self, mut: torch.Tensor):
            self.add_mutable("mut", mut)
            # or
            self.mut = Mutable(mut)
            return self

        @partial(jit, trace=False)
        def static_func(x: torch.Tensor, threshold: float) -> torch.Tensor:
            if x.flatten()[0] > threshold:
                return torch.sin(x)
                return torch.tan(x)
        def jit_func(self, p: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
            x = ExampleModule.static_func(p, self.threshold)

For more details, please look through the Module in EvoX.